

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives Collections

Span Dates: not available at this time
Bulk Dates:
Volume: not available


The CLGA has vertical files and uncataloged collections with information about LGBT religious issues. The vertical files contain, for the most part, single sheet materials about organizations, events, and individuals, along with photocopies of relevant press coverage, if possible. Other collections about religion and spirituality at the CLGA are inventoried in a database. Pamphlets, posters, photographs, and other publications by organizations are cataloged, but not indexed. Organizational records remain unprocessed, but are open for research.

Hist/Bio Note

The Canadian Gay Archives grew out of the files of The Body Politic, a national gay liberation journal founded in Toronto in 1971. The newspaper was the recipient of a wide variety of material relating to gay men and lesbians in Canada and beyond its borders. While the paper had no further use for much of the material, its historic value was early recognised. The Canadian Gay Liberation Movement Archives was announced October 6, 1973 and two years later, a collective of six people, separated from The Body Politic Collective. The name Canadian Gay Archives was chosen, renamed Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in 1993. CLGA published the Gay Archivist (renamed Lesbian and Gay Archivist in 1995). Their library of books, periodicals, papers, and organizational records is one of the largest in the world. For more information, see their website.

Finding Aid

Volunteers at the Archives are available to answer questions about their many, uncataloged and unindexed collections collections.


The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives are located in Toronto. Contact information for their collections is located at their website.


Episcopal Church | Jewish (ethnic, Reform, Reconstructionist, Orthodox) | MCC | United Church of Canada | Integrity | Marriage Equality | Canada | Toronto